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15.12 3 days delay but I have good excuse xD

December 15, 2010

Sadly i broke my daily update routine but luckily it was only 4-5 days sooooo not so bad XD
I need to work on commissions now so I have material to udpate (since i cant update book progress durr :C )

Anyway I been busy now and I worked hardcore for school game project me and Radittz wanna make in flash and aftereffect O:

We finnaly got basic story and main character lolol~

Here are some approved basic concepts I made lately~

We thought about making Astir and Jidai as main chatacters but It would be impossible for them to get to specific places on map plus they wouldnt interact with some other NPC’s we totally wanted to use there, so we were forced to create brand new character XD;

So basically there is a mage who steal powerfull artifacts in his free time.
Whole game will start with short (30 seconds) animated intro where you will see him wandering around underground temple, stealing some crystall bawl like artifact, but before he leaves the place he accidently breaks the artifact (beside being a full of himself and powerfull mage he is kinda clumsy) which set on the alarm and so the owner of the temple will apperar – Kerin~
After breaking the artifact, it turns into 11 crystal shards which turns into 11 spirits after. 10 Released spirits WOOSH around the whole world while 11’th goes into mage which caused him the curse – he have like 6 months of life left. Kerin decided that punishing him makes no sense (since he’s going to die anyway XD) and he himself had better things to do than huntdown 10 lame monsturrz so he made a deal- The mage will have to travel around the world and collect crystal bawl shards/kill/tame monsters and after he is successfull, Kerin will reverse the curse.
Having not much left to do mage decided to accept this offer and our adventure starts here~

And thats the beggining of the plot which took us like HOURS to develop (everything had to make sense on some point and we wanted to avoid ELEMENTAL related stuff since its kinda cliche XD ) and I’m kinda pleased with it- It will be rather funny 1-3 hour gameplay which hopefully wont kill us all on making the flash code LOL ;_;
I’m happy cuz ALOT of our OC’s will appear as NPC’s or story related cast and if it will be successful we will release it on the internets C:

We were thinking about voice actors too but Casting is still to be done and we dont have complete list/script yet sooo lots of work to do here yet D;


The nub mage~

The spirit / monster – there will be 11 of em total + we need to design monsters you kill on the way Lol XD

Some concepts for places you will travel to O:

Gameplay like plans.
It will be 3 types >
1st is isometric view for walking on maps

second will be typical RPG talking system with character (I used jidai the sunflower here but thats exactly the type of character graphic we’re gona use with all npc’s )

And third is fighting system – after you come across monster on the map, it will zooom you to 2d view (like old mortal combat) with all the HP / ITEM stuff XD
fun fun

A very troglodyte concept for fight lolol~

And so we need to finish it in 5 months… OUCH XD

9 Comments leave one →
  1. Pompon-nee permalink
    December 15, 2010 1:58 pm

    Chciałabym sobie pograć *…….* No nic. Mam nadzieję, że się wyrobicie z czasem. 5 miesięcy to niedużo, a pewnie jest z tym masa roboty. Fabuła ma się całkiem fajnie >D A chibi mag wygląda słodko :3 Biedaczek został przeklęty… 😀 Czy takimi pierdołami się później zajmiecie?
    A tak w ogóle, to życzę powodzenia! Gołgoł – Goku, Radi! Jestem pewna, że gra będzie zajebiszcza! >w<

    • gokunobaka permalink*
      December 16, 2010 7:48 pm

      Tez bym chciala juz pograc ale najpierw trzeba zrobic :CCC

      No tu ucina te ostre nawiasy D: gupi wordpress XD

      Imie jeszcze ma niewymyslone ale wymyslimy zanim bedziemy pisac dialogi (bo nie mzoemy go ciagle nazywac ludzki mag XD )
      Dzieki ; 3 ;

  2. Pompon-nee permalink
    December 15, 2010 1:59 pm

    Ugh… jedno zdanie mi ucięło =3=
    “Swoją drogą wymyśliłyście mu jakieś imię? Czy takimi pierdołami się później zajmiecie?”
    Tak to miało być ^^”

  3. Pompon-nee permalink
    December 15, 2010 2:00 pm

    Ugh… jedno zdanie mi ucięło =3=
    “Swoją drogą wymyśliłyście mu jakieś imię? >D Czy takimi pierdołami się później zajmiecie?”
    Tak to miało być ^^”

  4. December 15, 2010 6:07 pm

    Hmm, w sumie to niezły pomysł, teraz szukają dużo ludzi do gier flashowych, będziecie mieć doświadczenie 😀

    • gokunobaka permalink*
      December 16, 2010 7:48 pm

      My na enginie chyba bedziemy i tak pracowacXD;
      Bo pisac HP/wyliczania etc od zera to… 2 lata pracy XDDDD

      • December 16, 2010 9:00 pm

        No ale i tak będziecie mieć +50 exp 😉

  5. bakaRivichan permalink
    December 16, 2010 12:50 am

    Fabuła zalatuje mi trochę Dragon Ballem, lol XDD

    • gokunobaka permalink*
      December 16, 2010 7:53 pm

      haha nie no poza motywem kulki przecie to ma sie nijak do dragonbula (juz mnie bardziej kard kaptor sakura zalecialo XDDD;;;;;; ale to mega przypadkiem bo wymyslilam z radicem fabule jak jechalysmy sie spowiadac promotorce i dopiero pozniej ktos tam wtracil ze kard kaptor zbiera jakies karty i zrobilysmy fejspalma )
      a kulka sie wziela z tego ze orginalnie to pedal mial potluc to czarne po srodku XD – ale doszlam do wniosku ze gdyby to potlukl to kerin by sie mega wkurwil i go wybuchnal na miejscu wiec zrobilysmy cos tego typu ale nie to samo – a kulka bo sie latwo dziadostwo bedzie animowac XDDDD

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